Vibesaber Rules

  1. Wear your Vibe Visor they may look cool but they are given to you for your eyes protection. Vibesaber may be non contact, but all it takes is one slip or someone you didn’t see with their blade up to loose an eye! It is essential that you wear them at all times unless taking a break from duelling.
  2. Non Contact Activity Vibesaber is about fostering good vibes and sharing them with those around you. Always engage in duels—whether organic or choreographed—without the intention of harming anyone. Practice improving your skills with willing opponents, focusing on technique rather than force. Treat others with respect in all interactions and expect the same respect in return.
  3. STOP! means stop! If you hear a whistle or a loud stop, stop what your doing and await further instructions.
  4. Spectators if you want to be able to utilise the full space available, you will need to purchase a pair of the Vibe Visors and refer to rule number 1 as we don’t want you to loose an eye. Inside the duelling space you will need to keep these on. 

General Rules

  1. Dress Code Policy Please wear clothing that you are happy to work up a sweat in, breathable sporting clothing is best. For Saberwars we suggest you wear long sleeve sporting clothing and tracksuit bottoms for a consistent layer of protection.

  2. Positive Atmosphere All participants are required to keep their tops on at all times.  We appreciate your cooperation.

  3. Alcohol and Drug Policy:

    Participants who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs upon arrival will not be allowed entry. This policy is in place to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone. If you are denied entry for this reason, please contact us at to request a refund or to transfer your ticket to an alternate date and time.

Saberwars Rules

  1. Excessive force will not be tolerated. The level of force you exert will be what you receive when duelling with others. If you are duelling someone younger or smaller than you, dial it down a bit. You are in control of how you play Saberwars and equally so you are responsible for your actions. So play responsibly!
  2. Warnings – You will be warned if we feel you are being unreasonable with those you are engaged in a duel with. This could lead to disqualification without a refund and potentially a ban from future events. 
  3. No Crotch Shots – Duelling should not involve any purposeful strikes towards the groin area. 
  4. Eye protection must be worn at all times during duelling and game modes. They may be removed during breaks. 
  5. Elimination Indication During Battle Royal game mode if you are “killed” you must raise you hand to indicate you are out to others.
  6. No Hard Stabs – If you beat your opponent in an engagement and see an opportunity for a stab attack, be careful not to stab aggressively. 
  7. No Back Stabs – Stabbing to the back will not grant an elimination. Do not do it. You may receive a warning and disqualification without refund if you break this rule. During Battle Royal, if you wish to engage with someone that is facing the other way, use your words to alert them to your presence or gently tap them on them on the side with your saber to begin an engagement. This does not count as a point, it is your way of engaging a duel. 
  8. STOP! means stop! If you hear a whistle or a loud stop, stop what your doing and await further instructions. 

Saberwars Strike System

Below is our Strike System Game Banner. 

  1. Every player starts with 3 lives. 
  2. Below the numbers in Red with Green outlines are lives. 
  3. Hits to the limbs will loose you 1 live.
  4. Hits to the head or chest will loose you 2 lives.
  5. Lives only reset during Team Deathmatch Game Mode
  6. Numbers in White with Red outlines are Strike Points. These are used to practice duelling patterns and are there to help you work out combinations as well as to learn defence against combinations. 
Saberwars Game